Your Personal AI Powered Business Utility Suite

Very Effective Business Utility Suite

Bootstrap Image

Page Talk

An AI-powered document summarization tool.

Clean Design Image

Note Sync

A dynamic note-taking app.

Easy to Use Image

Voice Sync

Simplifies note-taking by transcribing speech.

Page Talk

Page Talk is an AI-powered document summarization tool that provides concise summaries of lengthy documents, while also enabling interactive conversations within PDF files

  • Quick Document Summarisation
  • Interact with pdf and easily export to Note Sync.
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Note Sync

Note Sync is a dynamic note-taking app designed for seamless collaboration and productivity, offering real-time editing and a range of utility features for efficient note management.

  • Dynamic Note taking.
  • Easily collaborate with people to write notes.
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Voice Sync

Voice Sync simplifies note-taking by transcribing speech, particularly useful for capturing meeting minutes (MOMs) effortlessly.

  • Take MOMs effortlessly.
  • Export the Speech to text to Note Sync and make notes.
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Why Choose VeBUS

AI-powered Document Summarization

VeBUS uses AI and LLMs to analyze documents and generate concise, accurate summaries.

Dynamic Note-taking with Rich Features

eBUS offers a comprehensive note-taking app (NoteSync) with features like rich text formatting, organization tools, and collaboration functions.

Effortless Voice Note Capture

VeBUS streamlines voice note-taking with VoiceSync, a dedicated voice recording app.

Seamless Integration with Existing Tools

This streamlines workflows and allows users to access and manage their notes and recordings within their existing work environment.

Customization Options (Business & Enterprise)

VeBUS caters to individual and organizational preferences. Business and Enterprise plans offer customization options.

Scalability for Growing Teams (Enterprise)

The Enterprise plan of VeBUS is designed to handle large user bases and data volumes.

Best Pricing Package

Choose the best pricing package that suits your needs.



Limited Document Uploads

2hrs Voice Sync Recordings

₹500 PageTalk Tokens

20+ Realtime Collaboration on NoteSync

Offering basic functionalities for individual users.

₹1999 ₹0

Per Month




1TB Document Uploads

100hrs VoiceSync hrs

100 Collaborative Users in NoteSync

₹500 PageTalk Tokens

Best for small to medium-sized businesses with multiple users.

₹5999 ₹2999

Per Month



Unlimited Document Uploads

Unlimited VoiceSync hrs

Unlimited Users in NoteSync

Unlimited PageTalk Tokens

For Enterprises with large user bases and data volumes.

₹9999 ₹6999

Per Month